About Shree Publicity
The journey of Shree Publicity towards becoming a top advertising solution provider is truly phenomenal. Since its long time of establishment it has covered a lot of ground to endear itself to its valued customer. Today customers cutting across diverse industries fully rely on us whenever they need to make their brands visible. Our forte is the outdoor advertising services & solutions. With a mission is to provide quality services at an affordable cost, we hold expertise in idea conceptualization, designing and sinage development. Having this expertise and the required resources at our disposal, we are able to provide a multi-disciplinary service offering groundbreaking, yet pragmatic and creative solutions of unsurpassed quality and in a cost-effective manner.
Hoarding Boards (On rent)
Hoardings are the large boards at the roadsides for the purpose of displaying advertisements. There are various sizes of hoardings. One should choose the location for the hoarding according to the product or firm to be marketed. These are best for the marketing purpose as well as are affordable.
KioskBoards (On rent)
Kiosks are also for the marketing purposes. These can be manned or unmanned. Kiosks are generally placed at locations with high foot traffic. For example, in a mall a kiosk can be placed at the entrance for providing the directions to the people or to display any promotional messages. These are trending in the marketing strategy nowadays. They are available in many variants.
Front Lit Boards
Front lit boards as the name suggests the lights are pointing towards the front of the board. It has soft and delicate surface and should be handled with care. They can be used for outdoor as well as indoor marketing purpose as they are weather resistant. The prices of these boards are comparatively higher and should be made especially for a particular product or a firm.
Our Hoardings
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